Thursday 2 June 2011

Green and Gold Anyway I hope you like it :)

I've always loved how green and gold went together. And I like to wear these colours for special occasions as I've got a top that matches my eyeshadow colour. Green is one of my favourite colours, although I know it doesn't go with my eyes and I'm gonna buy some contact lenses soon, which I'm very exited about! 

I used warm greens because I haven't used a gold for ages. I used a gold eye pencil along my water line and kinda brought it out in between the black eyeliner I heard somewhere that this lengthens the eyes. The gold eyeliner also contrasts against the black. 

Anyway I hope you like it :) 

Tuesday 31 May 2011

My First Eye Make-up Post: Bold Stripey Eyes!

I was sat on the sofa watching t.v,  eating sweets and messing about with make-up. I was creating stripes on my arm with colours I don't use all that much. After having a look at the stripes, I liked the way they clashed.

After rearranging the shades several times and deciding which would clash most and what brow highlighter
to use (I decided on silver as it was sparkly and wasn't too plain, but didn't over do the stripes).

I'm not sure how you could wear this look sorry, I know it's kinda random, but I decided the next time I did a make-up (that isn't normal) I would post it on my blog.  My best idea to wear this look is for clubbing. But I'm not sure as I've never done that as I'm only about 15.

Anyway,  this my first my first eye make-up look so don't be to mean if anyone reads this.

Monday 30 May 2011


Right, my name is Bryony and I am about to turn 15. I have been home schooled since I was five. This has been pretty fun, I had to do maths, english and science of course, but apart from that I could choose whatever subjects I wanted from learning japanese to studying toucans. I am now doing my GCSE's and so far I've got  A*s and Bs in about 4 GCSE's; so my parents must have done something right.

One thing that stuck with through all my fazes was make-up. From my pink and purple plastic dresser with Fake plastic heart shaped lipstick to the first time my aunt put lipstick on me, from watching my Mom get her make-up done at a make-up counter to proper eyeshadow. I think make-up isn't about making yourself pretty for others, it's about expressing yourself through art. 

I have started this blog because it seems like fun. I know I'm not very good at make-up but I love it, so please be nice with the comments.